sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011


As I told some of you on Wednesday, there is a tradition that is repeated every Thanksgiving day in the White House. The President, in this case Barack Obama,  indulted two turkeys and there was a celebration in the gardens with the press and his daughters.

Here you have the video with the actors in the story, including the turkey.

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011


Every year on the fourth Thursday of November people in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving day. It is an old tradition which remember the first harvest that the Pilgrims had in the seventeenth century.

The Pilgrims went to the new land to be free to practise their religion. When they finished the harvest they celebrated it with the Indians. They had a great meal and thanked God for their blessings.

Today it is a national festivity and the families gather round the table to conmemorate the Pilgrims celebration.
In New York there is a big parade and this day is considered the beginning of Christmas.

So this year don't forget to say Happy Thanksgiving day to Lauren, our conversation assistant!