sábado, 30 de abril de 2011


Yesterday Prince William and Kate Middleton got married in Westminster Abbey.
It was a fine morning in London and hundreds of people were in the streets near Buckingham Palace to see the new couple.
Millions of people around the world saw the event on TV and internet. In the United Kingdom there was a great festivity and everybody had a good time watching their "Royals".

Here you have a video with the happy couple and some photographs.

Congratulations to the new weds!

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011


Today is the international day of malaria. Nowadays there are many people dying of malaria in Africa.
Malaria is a disease transmited by mosquito bites.If people in these areas slept with mosquito nets they would not suffer the disease.

As you are the ones who are going to rule the world in the future it is important that you know these facts.

In this video you have explanations about the disease and treatments.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2011


Today we are on holidays, we are very happy. But many times on Sunday mornings you don't feel very well, so this is a song for you.

Next Sunday morning I hope you'll feel all right. The band playing is Maroon 5.The singer is very cute, isn't he, girls? I like them a lot. Enjoy it!

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011


The tenth of April of 1912 the giant ship Titanic left Southampton for a long voyage towards New York. Unfortunately, two days after the ship crashed into an iceberg and sank into the ocean.
One thousand and eight hundred people died that day. As in a miracle, two Spanish women, a lady and her servant survived.
That way the life of the most luxurious and fast of all the ships ended in tragedy.
Now the Titanic is deep in the sea and many pople are trying of find her treasures.

In this video you can see the real ship and the people who travelled in her. And also, scenes of the famous film by James Cameron : "Titanic".